
The views, angles, photos, and renderings on this website are for illustration only. The developer disclaims any warranty or promise about the location, views, size, height, layout, specifications, and finishes of any improvement to be constructed. You are advised to obtain and read the Public Report required by the laws of the State of Hawaii and the Property Report required by federal law. The developer reserves the right to substitute materials, appliances, and other items with materials, appliances and other items of substantially equal quality and utility. The developer is not building any unit to the precise specifications or design of any rendering or other preliminary plans that may be shown. The specific features in a unit may vary from unit to unit. Developer is not required to deliver a unit in exact accordance with any unit or floor plan depicted. The landscaping and other areas that are shown in the computer or artist's rendering show in some cases mature landscaping and intentionally omit the neighboring properties for illustrative purposes only. They do not reflect how the actual project landscaping or surrounding areas will look. None of the appurtenances and furnishings shown is included with a unit unless expressly provided under the sales contract. The area, location, and configuration of the units and all other improvements may change from that shown on this website or any other plans during construction pursuant to approved construction drawings. Despite the developer's efforts to provide accurate information in this website, it is not possible to ensure that all information is up to date. The developer assumes no responsibility for any actions taken as a result of viewing this website. No content from this website may be copied, republished, posted, or distributed in any way. This is not an offer to sell, nor is it an obligation or contract of any kind. All figures, facts, information and prices are approximate and are subject to change at any time. This is not intended to be an offering or solicitation of sale in any jurisdiction where the project is not registered in accordance with applicable law or where such offering or solicitation would otherwise be prohibited by law. You are advised to obtain and read the Public Report required by the laws of the State of Hawaii and the Property Report required by federal law.